Thursday, August 30, 2012

Road Rules

I wore this the other day when the sun was still swanning about, sussing out the scene before it settles in in a couple of weeks. As opposed to today, the latter part of which has been rainy and cold. Perfect weather for reading Game of Thrones.

skirt: op shop, shoes: target, top: lucy in the sky

These photos didn't quite work as I'd hoped. I'm desperate to get that sweeping shot with the road stretching behind like you see on blogs like Rebecca's or Kaelah's. I'll get there eventually.



Alice xx

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Skirt Flirt

I like the last week of Winter. It's as though she's sick of having people moan for the past three months so she brings out some gorgeous sunny days that retain the crispness in the air. (I think all seasons have a feminine feel to them)

skirt: vintage, blouse: sportscaft via op shop, shoes: target, sunglasses: bill bass

I bought this skirt at a vintage fair in Italy. It comes with a removable pinafore-type-thing but I prefer it as just a skirt. The colour and print felt suited to the taste of Spring coming around the corner. It also brings back fond memories of Italy, wandering cobbled streets in the baking heat and eating cup after cup of gelato. 






Alice xx

This Week

It's been a funny old week. Reece has been couch ridden with a nasty dose of the flu, I went with my sister and Reece's sister to a taping of a game show and I caught up with some friends from my trip to Europe for the first time in nearly two years. There was just enough disruption to make me feel slightly off balance.


I'm a little at odds with my wardrobe at the moment, hence the shortage of outfit posts. Even though I was only in the country for half of winter, I'm ready for the warmer months if only for a chance to take more photos.


The coming week will be a little slower paced as August wraps up and Reece's 21st birthday looms up around the corner.

I hope your week was a happy one.

Alice xx

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I tend to wear my geek badge with pride, though I don't usually wear it all over my legs. Those who know me know that I'm a complete nerd and a dork. Among my geekish interests is that pinnacle of sci-fi/fantasy/nerd humor Dr. Who. When I got wind of these TARDIS tights I knew they had to be mine. It's my first foray into the printed tights world and I'm already lusting over another four or five different pairs, all from Black Milk, an awesome Australian based brand. Go, lust, spend, thank me later.

tights: black milk, top: old valley girl, shoes: savers

I wore some variation of this outfit about four days straight.




Alice xx

Monday, August 20, 2012

You Animal

From memory, this is only the third animal print item I've ever owned. I tend to leave it up to cougars and Heidi Klum. But my sister offered me this blouse she bought but didn't like, and I'm not one to turn down a free blouse.


To keep it fun and youthful and what not I wore my purple-people-eater jeans. 




This is also my 200th post! Sadly I didn't have the for sight to organise a giveaway or even an above par post. My bad.

Alice xx

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dress Delay

I've somehow managed to build up a backlog of photos to post. When I say backlog I mean two outfits, but hey, content! I wore this a few days ago. I'd forgotten about this dress for a while, it seemed happy to get some time out of the closet. As did my Levi's jacket.

dress: vintage via retro star, jacket: levi's, 
bag: penny black (in milan), shoes: savers

It was a liberating day in general.



In other news, I started my semester-long placement today. Nursing rules.

Alice xx

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Craving Cardies

I wore this some time last week. I'm going to say I worked part of the morning but I'm also struggling to remember the weekend so that can't really be trusted. Apparently I wasn't having a photogenic day.

cardigan: savers, jeans: levis, beret: vintage, top: op shop, shoes: savers


But my feet were looking pretty fine.


Alice xx

Monday, August 13, 2012

Swinging Baby

Today was big in a couple of ways. It was my first full day as solely a care worker, yesterday being my LAST SHIFT EVER (hopefully) at my fast food job. I also had my orientation for my nursing placement, it's at a hospital I've worked at before so it was nice and familiar. I also did something I've been meaning to do for a while, namely, to be more adventurous in my photo taking. I'm sure I'm not the only one a little sick of the ol' green shed door.

dress: stussy, jumper: mink pink, tight: who knows, shoes: savers, beret: op shop

Happily I found the whole experience quite painless and even awkwardless. This swing set is a short stroll from our house and aside from a few joggers I had the place to myself. And let's face it, who is really more strange, the person taking photos or the person running about like a loon for fun?





These are some of my favourite shots I've managed to capture on my own, I even snapped a few neighbourhood picks on my way home.



Alice xx

Friday, August 10, 2012

Clutter Shot

Last night we celebrated a friends birthday. What with working, then going to the gym I didn't get ready until the sun had gone down. It was also spectacularly wet. So I do apologise for the crowded bedroom shots, every inch of space we have is put to use, not leaving much room for photo ops. But I was a bit proud of what I put together.

blazer: maddison square, blouse: vintage, shorts: forcast, 
tights: god knows, shoes: op shop


I wear this blazer a lot. It adds a pop of colour and pattern and fits my figure really nicely. Why fix what's not broken, huh?


Alice xx

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vivacious Vest

I found myself once again scrambling to get photos in the fading light. I really wanted to show this vest in action. I think it will be great when spring and summer roll around, adding a bit of whimsy and interest with out much fuss. While there was a lot of sun out today there was still a chill in the air so I went with my so-comfy-it-should-be-illegal maxi skirt.

skirt: brandy & melville, vest: vintage via savers

I'd just had a post work shower so I'm sans make up. I've parred back my make up routine since Italy, after keeping to a bare minimum because of the heat it just seems like so much bother to worry with more than some BB cream, a smudge of eyeliner and some mascara. Plus it always feels nice to be that bit more comfortable in your own skin.




Alice xx

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Savers Gold

So like I said the other day, I had a mega Savers win. I haven't been quite excited about a haul in ages. Actually that's a lie, it's on par with my epic book hall. Reece and I visited a different store to the one we usually frequent and we were really impressed. It was two stories, leaving almost the entire lower level for just women's wear. It wasn't picked clean of nice pieces as you sometimes find in other stores and most of the prices were spot on. Maybe I was just having a good day, but I'll definitely try to get back there the next chance I get.

I took home two pairs of shoes, a cardigan, a blouse and a vest. You can see the sun setting in the photos as I desperately tried to snap pictures with natural light. By the time I remembered I wanted to take pictures the light had already begun to fade.


I love hot air balloons, I nearly died when I spotted this vest.





I couldn't leave these behind, it was a sign for sure.

Alice xx

Moving Forward


Today I handed in my resignation for my job of four and a half years. I've been working in fast food since I was fifteen and had been at this particular store since I was sixteen. I worked full time for a year between high school and uni, whilst I was saving to go to Europe and I've been a supervisor for a year. At times I flat out hated it, at times I loved it. I work well in stressful environments and I enjoyed training new employees.

However it was in no way related to my nursing aspirations and I have been lucky enough to find a job that will allow me to practice nursing skills. It's terrifying to leave what has been my safety net for so long and I'm getting a touch of break up goggles. But I can feel it in my waters, this is a good move for me.

You have to follow those kinds of instincts.

Alice xx

Friday, August 3, 2012

Beachy Keen

Today was one of those gorgeous sunny winter days. Reece and I ventured out to the beach for a coffee and a stroll followed by a visit to Savers. If there were a gold medal for Savers shopping I would have won it today by a mile.




There were only a few other people along the pier and down the sand, including a few men talking enthusiastically about fishing. Reece snapped some photos for me and made a face in every photo I tried to take of him. We're both working over the weekend so some cute couple time went down a treat.

jacket: Armani Jeans, top: bettina liano, jeans: levi's, 
shoes: rivers, bag: penny black, sunglasses: bill bass




Alice xx