So as you've hopefully noticed, the
gorgeous Kaelah has redesigned the blog for me! I am chronically html illiterate and she managed to take my
extremely vague ideas and turn them into a beautiful but simple design. If you have any design needs get in quick, this girl has talent and is such a pleasure to work with.
I seem to be killing this internet business at the moment because I finally got the hang of pinterest. I was confused at first, but now I find it a really handy way to collect and store inspiration.
Have a look or if you're not on yet I have a few invites.
Also, 0ther 90's kids are sure to remember Mara Wilson, the sweet little girl from Matilda and Mrs Doubtfire? Well she's not so little anymore and now writes an
awesome blog. Check it out and you won't be disappointed.
And finally, here are the other purchases I made yesterday at the op shop.
I don't have a record player but I think I'm going to start collecting records, so cheap.
A mug fit for tea. It's about as big as my head, and I have a big head. Just ask my mum.
An Italian-esque scarf, I like scarves.
All up, a measly $10 including the shoes. Not a bad days work.
So please, have a look around the fresh-faced blog. Maybe grab a button? I'm also nearing my 150th blog post which seems as good a reason as any to host my very first giveaway :)
Alice xx