Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lobster Remorse

Those who follow me on twitter or instagram will know that earlier in the week I had to take my baby Mac into the doctors (or Apple geniuses, I don't know which sounds less silly really). While she's fine now she had to go in for Mac surgery and I was left to roam Chadstone shopping centre for over two hours. Not a good idea for someone who only just switched to a new job and has a 21st party to save up for.

My next mistake was wandering into Dangerfield where they had 20% off all dresses. My next mistake was picking out a few to try on. One of those being this lobster print Revival dress. I couldn't bear to leave it behind and while it was discounted, it still wasn't cheap. A little later I had buyers remorse and tried to return it, but Dangerfield don't refund.


It took me a while to calm down and remember you need to treat yourself sometimes and that I'm not a (completely) materialistic person who has no self control. And the dress is AH-mazing, it fits like a dream and is way too fun.




Alice xx

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Par Tay

While Reece's birthday two Sundays ago, we held the party this past Saturday. There was lots of food, a roulette and a black jack table and oodles of friends and family.





I wore this dress, from Jeans West of all places. I love the colours, it's incredibly fun to wear.


Alice xx

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Wall

My words aren't flowing very well lately. And I'm struggling to find new ways to take the same old photos. Basically I've hit the metaphorical blogging wall and I need to rustle up some new inspiration. 

jeans: levi's, top: vintage Armani Jeans (Italy), shoes: target, scarf as bow: vintage (Italy)

Hence my antics in these photos.




Alice xx

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lazy Stripes

I've felt a shift in my attitude towards cloths lately. Looking more towards comfortable, easily put together outfits. I find it a challenge in itself, to throw something together that's easy to wear but still stands out from the pack.

dress: vintage via retro star, belt: vintage via hunter gatherer, 
blazer: op shop, tights: from my mum

I later spilt chai and then wine down my front in this dress. Winning.



Alice xx

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Catch Up

I wore this last week for dinner and drinks in the city for a friends birthday. Reece took these photos for me and just quietly, of the 24 he took these three are the only one's that weren't blurry. I do find that my smile is more genuine when he is behind the camera.


This top was lurking in my sewing basket for ages until I uncovered it and gave it a good soak. As good as new, nearly.



Alice xx

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Man's 21

Today is Reece's 21st birthday. My man is well and truly a man now. And what a man he is. Sweet, caring, funny, passionate. 


Happy Birthday my love.


Alice xx

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Collar Class

I wore this over the weekend for a birthday lunch and time spent with my family. It was a lovely day, a nice break from torrential winds.

dress: luvalot, tights: asos, shoes: op shop, collar: la poeme (Italy)

It saddens me that I don't have more dresses and tops that suite this collar well. It's incredibly fun to wear and adds interest.





Alice xx

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hood Ornament

Of course I couldn't resist a few dorky outfit photos with the new car when we had it out yesterday. Reece snapped these for me.

top: brandy & melville, jeans: Levi's, scarf: op shop, 
blazer: op shop, beret: op shop, shoes: target

My day was spent sorting my sewing basket, doing three loads of washing and starting exam notes. Jeans were in order. The top is an Italy purchase and is insanely comfortable, as is the blazer I scored at the op shop for $5.




Alice xx

Friday, September 7, 2012

New Old Boy

Reece is what some would call a car enthusiast. I think the term car nut is more apt. He and his father recently acquired a 1964 Ford Fairmont. Today was the day the old boy arrived at his new home. To say Reece was excited would be serious understatement. 


He's in pretty good nick, or so I'm told. 


Now I just need to find a good sixties dress for car shows and weekend cruises. 





Alice xx

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sun Dress

I've always been a steadfast cold weather girl. Give me layers and tights over sweat and sunburn any day. However it's hard not to be charmed by Spring. I'm always won over by the sweetly scented breezes. 

cardigan: target, dress: vintage, shoes: op shop

I wore this for a chilled Fathers Day. A BBQ lunch with Reece's family and a roast dinner (veggie roast for me) with mine. The dress is from the fabled vintage fair in Italy. It's just too happy for it's own good.



Alice xx

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Spring Surrender

In this corner of the world today marked the first day of Spring, bringing with it swooping magpies, fragrant breezes, endless birthdays and blooming flowers. Also, tutu weather!

top: brandy & mellville (Italy), jacket: vintage armani jeans (Italy), 
tutu: lucy in the sky, tights: asos, shoes: target

Reece and I had a bit of a hair cut date yesterday. I really love having it at this length and can't see myself growing it out any time soon.






Alice xx