Saturday, August 28, 2010

bows and such

this is what i wore today to drive my sister and her friend to the movies for her birthday and for a how i met your mother session with the boy.
top - living doll, tights - no idea, blazer - op shop
the bow was originally attatched to the top, but only by a safety pin so i added it to my beret.
wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Thursday, August 26, 2010


much needed time spent with the boy has delayed this post by a couple of days. the day in question i ventured out for coffee and vanilla slice with a friend before some op shopping. i also picked up the new frankie which is always the highlight of my week
my purchases included a mink pink top and a few scarves
i wore this
skirt - mink pink, top - op shop, blazer - op shop, beret - op shop, tights - gift
i do love my new beret.
now i'm off to read frankie and huddle against the cold.
wishiwereaudrey xoxo
p.s. only two weeks until my european holiday!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

busy bee

i have insufficiant internet access to properly blog at the moment as well as insufficiant time and energy. in saying this i do have a number of things i hope to blog about when i do have the wherewithall including a yummy new shampoo i am using and a new beret i bought for just $1.50
also down to just over two weeks until my european holiday! much excitment and anticipation. i am desperately in need of a holiday.
wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i've just sat down after rearranging my bedroom. i quite like it. the bed is now the central feature as it should be and it can be accessed from both sides which is good feng shui. i am also now sitting at my desk which i was unable to do before and should be better for my back as i won't be hunching over my laptop on my bed.
as promised here is the coat i purchased the other day for just $3. i love half price sales at opshops.
and here is what i am wearing today to go shopping for boring things for my holiday and have coffee with a friend.
i have noticed changes are a bit of a trend at the moment within the fashion blog community. everyone seems to be moving house, rearranging places and starting new projects. i'm very excited for everyone who is brave enough to inject something new into their lives. i am a very big believer in the saying change is like a holiday.
wishiwereaudrey xoxo
spare time and internet access have been sparse if late so i have little to form an interesting post with. i did purchase a gorgeous new coat the other day but i will post pictures of that at a later date.
apologies for my boringness
wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

more rain

alas the wet weather continues and as the rain worsens so does my sniffly nose. the boy and i are fond of exchanging colds and mutating them for each others benifit. i was eager to wander down the street and do some op shopping and maybe pick up the next percy jackson book but the incliment weather caused me to run screaming under a blanket. mm snuggly. i am now thinking i may do some baking.


the great thing about this dress is that i keep discovering new tops i can wear beneath it. whilst this doesn't quite create a new outfit it does stop me from looking too lazy by wearing the same out fit too often. you can't quite see in the picture but i love the shoulders on this top. i really like the scrunched shoulder thing alot of labels are favouring at the moment. plus this one came from target and hence was only $18, a good staple me thinks.
top - target, dress - op shop, beret - op shop, stocking - from mother dear
i seem to be in a rambling mood today so i must stop myself.
wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Monday, August 9, 2010

return of the rainy days

i knew it wouldn't last but it was still sad to wake up to normal rainy winter weather. i decided to try out the boots i aquired through mother dearest a little while back which are actually in at the moment.
i wore my hair in braids to work so it's quite curly, similar to the way it was when i was little. before i started school and got a big girl bob.

dress - soup, cardi - savers, tights - gift from mother dear, shoes - from mother dear, belt - from another dress


wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Sunday, August 8, 2010

nearly spring cleaning

today was another late winter sunny day. to celebrate i decided to some early spring cleaning and was quite impressed with myself and the dent i made in the foot long list of housework that needed doing.
to keep me cheery whilst cleaning i wore my new dress from retrostar.


it is incredibly pretty and makes me very excited for summer even though we still haven't reached spring yet. i hope to grow my collection of these types of dresses.
i also hung me new audrey hepburn print and finished the third percy jackson book. beware before you begin reading the series as they are - dare i say it - nearly as addictive as harry potter.

wishiweraudrey xoxo

Saturday, August 7, 2010

sunday fun

today the boy and i made the most of a clear sunny day and headed into melbourne with our bikes in the car. we unloaded them at the botanical gardens and rode along southbank. my bike is this gorgeous old graecross the boy found in a hard rubbish pile and polished up for me. i love, though it just needs a wicker basket on the front.
the only shop we went to was retro star where i bought a gorgeous dress which i can tell is going to be a summer staple.
we watched a busker who juggled a chainsaw and then swallowed a sword whilst juggling fire - amazing yet scary at the same time. he also did that strange ball juggling that david bowie does in the labirynth.
after lunch we found a patch of grass to lie on and soak up the sun. it was one of those crisp days where spring just pops its head up to let you know it's on it's way





sigh. i love melbourne

wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Thursday, August 5, 2010

on our travels yesterday the boyfriend and i discovered this audrey hepburn canvas print for $10 from a bargain shop. it fits in nicely with my growing collection of audrey related items.
other recent purchases include a laura ashley sunhat ($7 - op shop), a mustard coloured travel bag ($5.50 - op shop) and the second book in the percy jackson series, don't judge me.
just a month until i head off for europe!

wishiwereaudrey xoxo