Friday, July 29, 2011

This what I wore to have lunch with the boy at our yummy local cafe. As uni and other commitments are beginning to eat into my shifts at work and thus my bank account little dining out moments like this are to be treasured.

jacket: Dangerfield, dress: I bought in Vienna

boots: rivers. I feel I may have to dedicate a post to
them someday, they are that amazing

I also recovered my long lost trust black sportsgirl beret, for
those days when only black will do.

Uni study complete for now I am off to clean out my wardrobe whilst listening to the Seeker Lover Keeper album which I may be slightly in love with.

wishiweraudrey xoxo

Thursday, July 28, 2011

High Tea

Today I broke out my Nanna's pearls and whipped together some butterfly for afternoon tea with some friends. We also had layered sandwiches, triple layer passion fruit sponge cake and scones. I was so full I could barely manage a few bites of my dinner.

pearls my Nanna passed on to me on my 18th birthday

dress: retro star, cardigan: bardot. the cardigan has really
cute detailing that doesn't show in the photo

shoes: savers, tights: gift from my sister, the white dots
are bows


Uni has started back which gives me an excuse to dress nicely a few days a week and go into the city, one of my favourite things. Never mind this study business.

wishiwereaudrey xoxo

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Directions

A lot of change has been happening lately. This along with a slew of other reasons has prompted me to once again voyage into the world of blogging.

I begin with my outfit for my first viewing of the final instalment of the Harry Potter films. I read the first book when I was 7 (I am now nearly 20) and I think it was one of the first books that triggered what I hope will be a life long love affair with the written word. In my mind the books will always prevail over the movies, yet I am still beyond excited for the last movie and await with baited breath the opening of Pottermore.
Jacket - Danderfield, Dress - Retrostar, Necklace - Tempt

Alas, I could not scrounge up a costume and would probably exceeded my limits for making a fool of myself in public as I am not going to the midnight session. However the owl seemed a suitable discreet homage.

wishiweraudrey xoxo