Friday, May 31, 2013

Sister Snaps

For mothers day this year Mum requested some decent photos of my sisters and I. Seeing as the last professional photos we had taken were pixie photos and I believe I was about 7. We had them done by a friend of ours, Lana. They turned out pretty spectacular.

Lana Taylor Photography

Lana Taylor Photography

Lana Taylor Photography

Lana Taylor Photography

Alice xx

Monday, May 13, 2013

Candy Stripes

Oh hey. I'm still trying to work out whether blogging is something I want to continue. But I was taking photos of some dresses to sell at my parents and by default ended up with some blog content. 

I spied this dress online and my mum was sweet enough to get it for me. She's a smart lady that knows sometimes a girl needs love and support and sometimes she just needs a pretty dress.

dress: oh deer vintage, socks: asos, shoes: asos

I've started to consciously grow out my fringe and grow my hair long. I have vague plans to donate it for wigs when it gets long enough but only time will tell if I follow through on that.





Alice xx